Tony Gaffke
As our top agent in 2019, it has been a true opportunity to have Tony Gaffke start sharing his real estate tactics with new agents. He became very successful in just 2 short years with us by hard work and learning how to capitalize on the importance of open houses and connecting with new clients daily. He is light-hearted and able to simplify ‘getting yourself out there’ in a way that any new agent can enjoy and learn from.

Julie Seedhouse
Julie Seedhouse has been with us for 6 years and is one of the key players in our recruiting and community involvement. Julie has been heavily involved with many charitable organizations and started her own, 100 strong. She has a strong ability to connect with anyone she meets and has a personality that is completely contagious. She has been one of our top agents since the day she began in real estate and shares her wisdom on maintaining that with our new agents through her marketing and networking training.

Mark Dawson
As the supervising broker/owner, Mark Dawson has profound insight on real estate than anyone you will meet. Always around to answer contractual questions or help you through tough client situations, Mark has the skill to connect with any client or agent and defuse situations. Whether it’s residential, commercial, new construction and beyond, his experience is exponential

Casey Miller
Casey Miller joined our company in 2013 and immediately showed the ability to be an excellent agent. Soon, she was promoted into a crucial leadership role, where she excelled. These days, as our Associate Broker and Director of Education, Casey provides a wonderful example of grace, class, and professionalism – she’s extremely helpful and encouraging and provides a bright light every day of the year. She has developed great expertise and care in answering agent questions and helping solve problems. Casey is absolutely impossible not to like, to admire, and to enjoy.

Shelby Williams
Shelby joined our office almost five years ago and has become an incredible asset to our training team and very knowledgeable in our market. Shelby came into our office ready to make this career a life-long journey and with her community involvement, willingness to help others, and desire to learn – she has soared into not only one of our top agents, but also an informative trainer. She excels in client communication and organization, and is always willing to share tips with others around her.

Todd Harp
Todd Harp has been with us since the beginning, with over 20 years of experience, and has consistently maintained the spot as one of our top agents each and every year. He has the most admirable ability to keep calm in any situation and is available to offer advice for any agent, regardless of their amount of time in the industry. He is never too busy to walk though situations with you and explain in a tactful way to find the best possible solution.